Sunday, March 2, 2008

First step through the door!!

Sorry I have been missing in action for a couple of days. I have been under the weather and desperately need my workout tomorrow. Did you ever feel you need that workout more some days than others??

Some days you are more stressed and need the release. Some days you just need to get out of the house. Some days you have been missing from class for a while and just need to get your feet back in the door. That is truely all it takes-the first step through the door. Remember when you were a new student and you thought, " I am never going to get all those steps" but they came. The first step to good health comes from that first step through the door. So when you think you can't make it to class, try a different time--we have them. When you think I just don't feel like it- push yourself to go and try to have fun. When you haven't been in some time and you think you just want to quit--take that first step through the door. We will love to see you back in action--Trust me!!!

Spring is just around the corner (yes I know I have been saying that for weeks now-but it is I promise)!! Soon Summer will be here and with that--BATHING SUITS!!! Come on everyone--this is my promise to you.

I promise if you take that first step through the door.
We will give you a well instructed class-you will learn what muscles you are working and when
We will give you a FUN class-you will smile or laugh and forget you are working out!!
If you can't make it to your regular class-there are others to turn to.
We will help you get FIT for summer!!!
We will help you stay HEALTHY all year long
We will welcome you each and every time with a smile
We will help you "leave your slippers and your stress at the door"

COME ON IN all it takes is that first step through the door!!!!

1 comment:

P&P Fit said...

I'm so glad I took that first step...uh, 27 years ago! ARRGGHH.
No really, I'm still glad. I was 17 and fit but loved it instantly.
Still do....most days. HA.