Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Totally Tuesday!!!

Alarm goes off at 5:30AM--have to leave my down comforter and warm bed to wake up teenage daughter!! She is grouchy and tired~~It is going to be one of "those"days. Big sigh!! Go back to bed for 20 minutes till heat kicks in...Well after the whole morning routine everyone got off to their correct destinations on time (hubby has jury duty today)--laundry is in dryer and washer, new routines are learned for class, 1/2 dressed, not feeling 100% today, trying to get to class on time~~Puppy decides he needs to use his personal toilet (my dining room) AGAIN!!! Yep, one of "THOSE" days!!! Thank goodness I am leaving to teach (yes after I clean up said dining room). I can take it out on my loving students~they love it when class is hard and I am in drill sargeant mode!!! Ok I convince myself they do...

Now it is after class, still not feeling 100% but in a much better mood!! My students made me laugh, I hope I did the same for them (it helps them forget they are working out)!! By the looks of it outside we are in for some more "weather"!! And by that I mean snow and rain AGAIN!! Wait--Wait I see a bright spot outside...maybe the weather people are wrong again~~for the good this time..."it will be warm and sunny for the rest of the week"--yes yes, wishful thinking again!!

I think today would be a great day to try the Diet Coke cake I posted a couple of days ago!! mmmmmmm....chocolate baking in the house!!! So to those who like the snow--here we go again and for those who don't, my final thought is for you!!

A lot of people like snow. I find it an unnecessary freezing of water.~~Carl Reiner
Enjoy the rest of your day everyone!!

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