Wednesday, February 20, 2008

New England and our weather!!

Sunny one day--raining the next--and don't forget about the snow!!! We live in New England. I was loving the weather the other day. It was 60 degrees, snow was melting and the 7 foot snowbank in my parking lot was slowly disappearing, like the glaciers in Antarctica!! Today it is 25 degrees by the read out in my new van and we will have snow on Friday!! Hubby put dogs out this morning to enjoy the fresh air a bit. I was leaving shortly after and was to bring dogs in the house!! Ice skates needed to get across my front lawn but didn't know it till I was on my backside looking up at the tops of the trees! Man, our pine trees are tall these days!! I know I speak for all of us (who do not love skiing) when I say, I can't wait for Spring!! But we need to live day by day and the weather isn't going to change that quickly--it is after all, February!!! So find the good in what seems like the worst. I do love the way the ice looks on the lawns (ok with the exception of mine when I am lying on it). I love the way the snow looks on the field I pass to come home. I love the FULL moon that is out tonight (and no I am not talking about my backside again). I love the smell of the clean air!! My thought for all of you today is to smile and make the most of it. Although it may seem neverending winter can be beautiful too!!

How about you make a Diet Coke Cake??? Nothing smells better in a warm house!
1 package of Devils Food Cake mix
1 12oz can of Diet Coke
Mix together--bake as directed on package!!
It is that easy and it tastes great with a little bit of COOL WHIP on top!!! (thank you Maripat for this wonderful recipe--my family LOVES it)
Try it before you mock it!!! :)


P&P Fit said...

Uh, some of us are allergic to artificial sweetener don't want me to get a migraine do you?
But, my Mom makes a killer chocolate mayonnaise cake! TEEHEE

Andy Scharmer Jr said...

My first official visit to your blog - I even bookmarked you in my toolbar ( now that is special )...

Looks good - what a major geek you are now. You probably walk around with one of those wireless ear attachments for your cell phone and live our of your PDA huh ?

: )

Scott said...

You have the words "double d" in your web address. Good hook to get us in.

I am in Maine eating everything Elaine cooks, including a turkey dinner tonight. Perhaps I might need a private session upon returning. ;)
